Federal Writers Project
Stories of Southwest Kansas
The following material will be made into a multi-volume book.
Copies of the books will be distributed to museums and libraries in the counties listed. We thank the author, Kathye Snyder-Knight for her permission to present them here.
Introductory Title Page
1936 Newspaper Article
Albertine Becquet
Sample of a story not used
Sample of a story included in the book
Project Notes
The stories in the following counties were written by the people listed as Writers. The list of Consultants were people who the writers interviewed or referred to when they were writing the stories. These are presented within the counties as they will be printed in book format. We hope you enjoy them as Kathye did in resurrecting them and I did in putting them on this site. Click a county to read the stories within it. Thank you, Kirk
Within each county there are:
Stories Writers Consultants
Clark 1 3 0
Finney 22 2 29
Grant 3 2 5
Gray 21 2 22
Greeley 2 1 5
Hamilton 9 1 7
Haskell 18 2 15
Kearny 9 3 5
Lane 2 1 3
Meade 3 1 0
Morton 2 1 0
Scott 1 1 0
Stanton 7 2 6
Wichita 3 1 3
Total 103 23 100
